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Pre-Conf Workshop
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The following Pre-Conference Workshops will be conducted during 14-15 May, 2024.
Tentative Schedule of Workshops

Interested delegates are requested to kindly register for the Pre-Conference Workshop by paying the Fees for the Workshop on our website (https://www.emsi2024.com/conf/register) and send an email giving the details to preconf@emsi2024.com indicating their choice of workshop.
Any further queries may be sent to preconf@emsi2024.com.
- Conference registration is compulsory for workshop participation.
- Each delegate is restricted to attending ONE workshop only.
Workshop on Electron Backscattered Diffraction (EBSD)
Date: 14 and 15 May 2024
Scanning electron microscopy based electron back scatter diffraction (SEM EBSD) is an important characterization technique that offers important information about the microstructure, microtexture, and defect structure of crystalline materials. In combination with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), EBSD offers a unique combination of information from the composition and crystal orientation in larger areas of the microstructure albeit at a lower spatial resolution compared to that of a transmission electron microscope. With the widespread use of field emission gun sources and better optics in SEM, other diffraction based techniques like transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD) and electron channelling contrast imaging (ECCI) have also evolved to offer better spatial resolution and defect structure information respectively in the sample of interest. Thus, a modern FESEM with EDS, EBSD, TKD, and ECCI facility offers a unique characterization tool for the microstructural and textural analysis of different class of crystalline materials ranging from structural metallic materials and geological samples to advanced functional ceramics and biomaterials like hydroxyapatite.
The present workshop on EBSD and Related techniques aims to introduce the user acquainted with basic operation of a scanning electron microscopy with the basics of crystal structure and electron diffraction that is central to the understanding of EBSD. A brief introduction to crystal structure, crystal symmetry and crystal orientation will be provided followed by the concept of reciprocal space. Fundamentals of diffraction will be covered using x-rays, electrons, and neutrons with special emphasis on different modes of electron diffraction. The formation of Kikuchi bands in electron diffraction will be covered in detail with emphasis on the geometry of diffraction in EBSD. This will be followed by a detailed description of instrumentation of EBSD and strategies to acquire and process the diffraction data followed by methodologies for indexing to find the correct crystal orientation. A brief overview of challenges and sources of errors in data acquisition and indexing will also be discussed. A hands-on session on data analysis with a description of grains, grain boundaries, intragranular misorientation, and other important parameters shall be provided. A brief overview of the determination of tensorial properties for a polycrystal as well as analysis of plastically deformed microstructure will be provided. Recent developments in related techniques like transmission Kikuchi diffraction and electron channelling contrast imaging will be covered. A few case studies on the application of EBSD for different classes of materials will be provided to give an overview of the technique so that the participants can plan to use the techniques to further their research.
Nilesh Gurao, IIT Kanpur
K. S. Suresh, IIT Roorkee
Workshop on Principles and Practice of Transmission Electron Microscopy
Date: 14 and 15 May 2024
It is planned to organize a workshop on principles and practice of transmission electron microscopy. Fundamental concepts on this subject will be covered by renowned national and international experts. There will be tutorial sessions to discuss the concepts with the students in informal setting. Application of the concepts will be demonstrated live on the microscope. The topics, which will be covered during the workshop are as follows:
Fundamentals of crystallography and crystal defects. This includes symmetry, point group, space group etc.
Stereographic projection, development of pole figures, concepts of reciprocal space and its properties.
Theory of diffraction, single crystal and polycrystal diffraction, Analysis of diffraction patterns, systematic tilting, Kikuchi diffraction, Ewald sphere.
Principle of diffraction contrast imaging and introduction to high resolution phase contrast imaging.
Introduction to X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy.
Joysurya Basu, IIT BHU, Varanasi
S. Sankaran, IIT Madras
B. Vishwanadh, BARC, Mumbai
Workshop on Atom Probe Tomography
Date: 14 and 15 May 2024
As a part of pre-conference workshop, a one-day workshop on atom probe tomography (APT) is being organized for the young researchers, students. This workshop will provide a thorough background on the principles of the atom probe technique, from the theory of the field evaporation to data mining. Lectures will focus on the basics of APT with a special emphasis on up-to-date techniques (laser-pulsing, DLD detectors, FIB specimen preparation). Beside this lecture series, a hands-on data analysis using IVAS is organized for the participants. The basics of 3D reconstruction and data analysis thereafter using different tools available in the IVAS software (frequency distribution, proxigram, 1D concentration profile, radial distribution function and cluster finding algorithm) will be covered during this hands-on session. In addition, a live demonstration (remotely) of running an APT sample in a Local Electrode Atom Probe (LEAP) will be given to the participants which will cover the steps involved in loading of the sample in a LEAP and then setting the analysis parameter to run the sample.
Deodatta Shinde, BARC, Mumbai
Surendra Kumar Makineni, IISc, Bengaluru
Biomolecular Structure Determination Cryo-EM Workshop
Date: 14 May 2024
Cryogenic Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM) has recently emerged as a powerful technique that has transformed the world of structural biology and soft matter sciences. It has significantly advanced our understanding of complex molecular interactions providing details into their 3D architecture. Recent advancements in detector and software technologies have significantly improved Cryo-EM’s resolution where structures of biomolecule can be resolved to near atomic resolutions with unprecedented insights into molecular details. The pre-conference workshop aims to demonstrate users the methods of sample preparation and screening for Cryo-EM. The workshop will be principally hands-on with participants using the latest models of plunge-freezing devices (Vitrobot Mark IV) to prepare samples frozen in thin layers of vitreous ice. They will have the opportunity to subsequently screen the grids considering ice thickness and particle distribution with the Talos L120C TEM and learn the steps involved in Data Acquisition using the Titan Krios 300 keV G4. Cryo-EM continues to shape biomolecular structure determination allowing large complex assemblies. A hands-on training workshop in this field will allow the users to grasp the technique, enabling them to implement them for their own research purposes. The workshop will also have theoretical lectures encompassing sample preparation, data collection and data processing.
Ruchi Anand, IIT Bombay
Soft Matter CryoTEM and CryoSEM
Date: 15 May 2024
Application lectures and demos on CryoTEM and CryoSEM for soft materials like dispersions, colloids, gels, surfactants, and biological systems. This workshop will not cover SPR (single particle reconstruction) of single molecules. Topics will cover applications across multiple disciplines and use of JEOL Cryo transmission electron microscopes and Cryo scanning electron microscopes and sample preparation by cryo plunging, freeze fracture and vitrified hydrated sample preparation and cryo transfer. Lectures will be by application experts.
Jayesh Bellare, IIT Bombay